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Manufacturer: Main Product Code: MAHE355
 PART NO.:248046New Part No. 7225724PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER FOR:MAIN MAIN COMBI 24MAIN MAIN COMBI 24 HEDISTANCE BETWEEN C/C HOLES ................175mm x 44mmDISTANCE BETWEEN LUGS..........................160mmNUMBER OF PLATES.....................................10 ..
Manufacturer: Potterton Product Code: POHE355
 ORIGINALPART NO.: 248046PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER FOR:  POTTERTON PERFORMA 24POTTERTON PERFORMA 24 ECO HEDISTANCE BETWEEN C/C HOLES ................175mm x 44mmDISTANCE BETWEEN LUGS..........................160mmNUMBER OF PLATES.....................................14 ..
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
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